Smartscan Locators


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Why Smartscan Locators Penrith?

Smartscan locators are an industry leading, innovative company in Penrith that combines cutting edge technology with over 140 combined years experience, to assist with your subsurface investigations.

With our vast range of niche services:

Certified Team

DBYD CLO and NULCA affiliated team

operate daily

Smartscan Locators accept bookings 24hrs a day, 7 days a week


We can typically service most requests with a couple of days notice, however we understand with industry constraints that bookings can be ad hoc. We are also pleased to offer an emergency callout service to ensure you are never left unsure on site. Enquire via email.

Smartscan Locators underground utility locating

Underground Utility Locating Penrith

Smartscan offer specialised Underground Utility Locating in Penrith for commercial, industrial and residential projects. Our Penrith based team employs advanced technology to precisely identify underground utilities.

Smartscan Locators GPR Survey

GPR Survey Penrith

Whether you require commercial, industrial or residential locating, Smartscan offers Ground Penetrating Radar or GPR Surveys in Penrith. This scanning technique allows Smartscan Penrith to efficiently and accurately locate submerged utilities

Smartscan Locators concrete scanning

Concrete Scanning & Coring Penrith

Smartscan offer Concrete Scanning in Penrith, to map the concrete’s internal structure, including any reinforcing steel, post-tension cables, utilities, and objects within it. Smartscan also offers Concrete Coring in Penrith.

Smartscan Locators reporting and mapping

Utility Mapping & Reporting Penrith

Smartscan Penrith offers a vast range of reporting options to suit all different sizes, from small backyards, all the way to Tier 1 projects. Our experienced professionals can advise you on the best reporting options for your project.

Smartscan Locators non destructive digging

Non Destructive Digging Penrith

Smartscan offers Non Destructive Digging in Penrith. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing us to halve the time required to do tasks such as trenching, cleaning, and drill mud removal. 



Smartscan has many remediation solutions to ensure that your site is reinstated above and beyond standard, keeping you confident that your site will be left looking respectable in the eyes of all stakeholders. 

Smartscan Locators excavation

Excavation Penrith

Smartscan offers excavation services in Penrith. We focus on delivering precise and safe results. We have a team of experienced operators who are certified by the National Utility Locators Contractors Association and DBYD.


Consultancy & Project Management Penrith

At Smartscan, the goal for our consultancy team is to provide a one-stop shop for all your geotechnical and environmental needs.

Why We Service Penrith

At Smartscan Locators, we are passionate about servicing the Penrith community. Penrith’s vibrant atmosphere, with its mix of residential and commercial areas, keeps us energised and constantly innovating to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Whether you’re a homeowner seeking peace of mind or a business owner protecting your assets, our team of experts is here to provide you with the best possible service in underground utility locating and concrete scanning. We’re proud to be a part of the Penrith community and look forward to helping you with your next project.

More About Penrith

The Rich History of Penrith, NSW: A Legacy of Growth and Community

Penrith, nestled at the foothills of the majestic Blue Mountains, is a suburb with a storied past that traces back to its establishment in 1810. From a quiet agricultural town to a thriving suburban hub within Sydney, Penrith has continually adapted and grown, much like the services provided by Smartscan Locators, which ensure that its historical integrity and development go hand in hand.

Early Settlement and Development

Governor Macquarie named Penrith after the town in Cumbria, England, recognising its potential as an agricultural breadbasket thanks to the fertile soils along the Nepean River. With Smartscan Locators, projects in Penrith can proceed with the assurance that they respect and preserve the land’s historical roots, similar to how early settlers used the natural resources wisely to establish a foundation for the future.

The Railway and Industrial Growth

The arrival of the railway in 1863 marked a transformative period for Penrith, bolstering its economy and connectivity. Smartscan Locators embodies this spirit of connection by providing essential data that helps bridge past infrastructure with contemporary development, ensuring projects are built on solid ground, both literally and historically.

Penrith in the 20th Century

The 20th century brought significant institutions to Penrith, including the Nepean Hospital and the University of Western Sydney, enhancing the community’s social and economic landscape. Smartscan Locators contributes to this legacy by offering modern scanning solutions that support the safe expansion and renovation of such crucial facilities, ensuring they continue to serve the community effectively.

Modern-Day Penrith

Today, Penrith is a vibrant blend of history and modernity, offering everything from world-class sports facilities to beautiful natural parks. Smartscan Locators plays a critical role in this by ensuring that new developments, like residential complexes or commercial spaces, integrate seamlessly with the historic environment. Our technology helps map out a path that respects Penrith’s past while embracing its future.

Commitment to Penrith’s Growth

In every project in Penrith, whether near the historical sites along the Nepean or the bustling new developments in the city centre, Smartscan Locators ensures that the rich tapestry of the past isn’t disturbed unwittingly. We pride ourselves on providing a service that not only aids in development but also preserves the historical integrity of Penrith.

Discover and Protect with Us

For anyone looking to develop in Penrith, understanding its rich history is crucial. Smartscan Locators is your partner in ensuring that development projects respect and complement this unique historical landscape. Contact us to see how our services can help you build responsibly and insightfully in Penrith, contributing positively to its ongoing story and ensuring that its history is honoured in every step forward.